commercial and industrial use.
Use Natural Resources Integrated Services And Solutions For Industry
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Why choose us?
We believe that renewable energy should be affordable and accessible to anyone, everywhere to conserve our environment and ensure sustainable development.
- 35 years of international solar energy expertise to advise on complex projects.
- Customized solar energy solutions that are efficient, reliable and affordable
- Customized solar energy solutions that are efficient, reliable and affordable
- All our solar panels meet the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series and come with a 25-year warranty.
- Value for money

Our Products

Hybrid Kit
Solar & Lithium energy storage combined

Grid Tied Kit
Manage and save with your electricity bill

Off Grid kit
Stand-alone solar package for remote areas

Off Grid kit
Stand-alone solar package for remote areas flexible, modular and ready to use.
Using Innovative approach for cleaner energy

About us
R3 Tech is an international company specialized in providing renewable energy consulting services, offering panels and solar storage solutions for residential, commercial and industrial parks and leading in the trade of used panels worldwide
The company joined efforts with Distri-Elec, to foster state-of-the-art solutions to bring affordable and reliable new and used solar products combined with energy storage systems
Leveraging our broad market knowledge and management skills, R3 Tech provides customized solutions from conception to financial planning to implementation. We also advise companies on how to transition to solar energy to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Innovation, a sustainable eco-system and high-quality equipment are the core of our business.
If you are looking to install solar on your home or business, R3 Tech has a variety of products to suit your needs.

R3 Tech aims to provide the public with safe, clean, economic, efficient and reliable renewable energy products and services.
Providing comprehensive and efficient solar solutions and contribute to sustainable development.
R3 Tech value and practices honesty, integrity, transparency and loyalty to our partners and society. We aim to be a socially and environmentally responsible organization, implementing green practices to conserve the environment and promote sustainable development.
Founded Laid Sahraoui, R3 Tech is located in France, with satellite offices in China, Switzerland and the United States of America.
Meet the team
Laid Sahraoui
Managing Director
Laid spent 16 years in China mainland and developed a expertise in the renewable energy field since 2007
Laid Sahraoui
Laid spent 16 years in China mainland and developed a expertise in the renewable energy field since 2007 where he co-founded CP SOLAR, a company exporting unique turnkey solar solution for residential and commercial uses. Since then, he co-developed other sustainable applications with Distri-Elec, provided consulting, speech globally. His last role as Global head of marketing at GCL SI, the largest PV corporate, led him to master strategic positioning. Laid was graduated in 2000 from INSEEC (ECE) in Lyon, France.
Tomi Wu
Production and Operation Director
Tomi graduated from Hubei University in 1999 and worked as the vice general
Tomi Wu
Tomi graduated from Hubei University in 1999 and worked as the vice general manager of Anqingsureful import and Export Co., Ltd. with 10 years of working experience in solar energy systems and has a good reputation among customers all over the world. He leads the production, supply chain and Operation activities within R3 TECH since its creation.
Ma Shusheng
Chief Technical Officer
Ma Shusheng, a graduated engineer from Shanghai University, is a reputable professional sales
Ma Shusheng
Ma Shusheng, a graduated engineer from Shanghai University, is a reputable professional sales engineer since 1999. specialized in solar off-grid system design, and solar components selection. He installed thousandof solar street lights in Africaamd micro grid solutions. He joined R3 Tech early January 2019.
Michael Petit
Head of R&D and Partner
Michael Petit has founded Distrielec in 2010 and is co-conceptor of Power reservoir
Michael Petit
Michael Petit has founded Distrielec in 2010 and is co-conceptor of Power reservoir sold to Congo Orange Telecom. Michael has a professional background as CFO and has been based in DRC and Dubai. He has an extensive knowledge about commercial relationships in Africa and is passionate about renewable energy.